Christ in Asia Ministries provides discipleship and life skills to indigenous populations so that they may gain sustainable development and spiritual growth. We aim to have every community worship in peace, live in harmony, and thrive financially.
Our Vision
CAM networks with Christian ministries to establish and provide discipleship and sustainable community development among unreached people groups of the Bay of Benga - South Asia.*
*in order to guard the physical safety of the CAM network members in Asia and their families, CAM does not post specific locations online.
Our Mission
What We Believe
The Network
Christ in Asia Ministries (CAM) operates as a network of organizations with the goal of equipping and training indigenous leaders across the Bay of Bengal.
The main functions of our CAM network:
Networking with Christian organizations local to Asia.
Launching churches and training local support.
Providing leadership development training.
Developing communities.
Empowering women.
Engaging children and youth with community clubs.
Giving training that teaches Christians to be financially free.
Learn more about our programs for discipleship and business development.